Nominated for the Liebster Award!

Hello everyone! I was reading up on the comment on my last post to find that Lou ( You can check out her blog HERE) had nominated me for the Liebster award. I would like to thank her as this is the first award that my blog has been nominated for and im very excited about taking part.

The rules are as followed:
  • You must answer all 11 questions given to you by the person who nominated you.
  • You must link back to the person that nominated you.
  • After completing these questions you must nominate 11 bloggers (with under 200 followers) and give 11 questions of your choice.
  • You can not nominate the person who nominated you.
You must let your nominees know that they have been nominated and provide a link to your post so they can learn more about it.

Lou's Questions are!

Who is your favorite blogger and why?

This is really hard as I love loads of different blogs but if I had to narrow it down to one it would probably be Zoella . I have read her blog for years and I love how she brings her positive and bubbly personality though to her writing.

If you could be one celebrity for a day, who would it be? 

I would want to see what it would be like to be the Queen ( I assume she is classed as a celebrity ) , I think that would be fun and interesting. You get to be royalty for a day!

Who is your biggest style inspiration? 

I don't really have a " style icon" as such but I always love what Sammi ( also known as BeautyCrush) wears, I think she could make anything look fashionable and she always gets it right! 

What made you create a blog?

The main reason I started my blog is because I realized I was buying all this make up and nobody to talk about it with. I have been reading blogs for years but for some reason it never crossed my mind to start one. So when I finished college for 3 months I knew I need something to put my time in to, so I started my beauty blog! 

What would you say your blogging style is?

I would say my blog is definitely a beauty blog where I review beauty products and do monthly favorites! But I would like to star showing some more of my art work on my blog as I do quite a lot of it as my course I study at college is Fine art!   

What is your dream job?

I have always wanted to do something in art as I have always been a creative person and loved anything to do with art. What I want to do changes all the time but for the last few months I have wanted to be an illustrator and i'm looking in to doing it at university! 

Cookies or Brownies, Why?

Cookies because I dont like Brownies I know I think I am the only one, right?  My favorite ones are Maryland chocolate chip. 

If you had 3 wishes what would you wish for? 

1. To travel the world!
2. To have a job that I love and get excited about.
3.To live in New York for a few years, it just looks amazing! 

What is your favorite place in the world? 

Again pretty tricky as I love lots of places but I think I might have to be boring and choose my home. At home with the family I my favorite place! 

Who is your role model?

My mum! She is always there for me when I need her and is my role model . She has always been there for me to look up to! 

What Disney Princess would you say you were most like, and why? 

I really don't know about this onE as I don't think I am really like any of them but if I had to pick one I would say Rapunzel from Tangled as she seem quite creative with her drawing on the wall and stuff, I don't know, Haha.

The blogs I nominate are:

My Questions are:

1. Which blogger inspired you to start your blog, and why?
2. Where would you most like to travel?
3. What is your favorite make up brand?
4. Whats your favorite season (winter, summer, etc) ?
5.What is your favorite film or book?
6. Do you have a style icon, if so who?
7. Do you prefer make up or skincare?
8. If you could have anything in the world what would it be?
9. Most watched Youtuber or blogger?
10. What film have you watched more than any other?
11. If you could be one person ( dead or alive) for a day who would it be ans why?

Thank you for reading and I hope you take part your self as its a great way to discover new blogs and bloggers!
Thank you again to Lou for the nomination!

